Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Neocons are Coming

I haven't done enough reading about the neocons and their influence on Democratic candidates' foreign policy advisors. But I'm going to this week.
Here's why: "While President Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke and others can count the take-down of Slobodan Milosevic and the containment of Serbia as a victory today -- it nonetheless is increasingly being referred to by some Dems as "regime change done right".

This ethic is gaining real traction in Democratic circles -- and has a bunch of chairs at the foreign policy advisory tables of both Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton."
We need to remember:"The neoconservative story is one that is very important to understand -- because America will relive it, and we need to know next time what strategies work to curtail the ideologically seductive bravado of militant utopians on either side of the aisle."

I'll start by following Steve Clemons' links here.

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