Sunday, March 30, 2008

Iraq War Explained

There's this comment by oxon over at anti-war vet Brandon Friedman's diary on Daily Kos that puts it all together for me without all those indecipherable foreign words and names.
Just passing it along, FYI.

Pakistan is allied with us because the Indians used to be friendly with the Russians back when the Russians were the Soviets and together we (Pakistan and us) created al-Qaeda, to piss off the Russians and the Indians, who wanted Kashmir, but then, too, so did Pakistan, and Iran got rid of the last guy who was going to hold it altogether for us in the middle-east (the shah), and that scared the saudis because Iran wanted all the shiites to rise up except that a lot of shiites lived on top of the Saudi oil pipelines, so the Saudis thought, hey, we'll help the ISI and CIA whip up some wahabis and get them over to Afghanistan, and then we'll get Iraq to fight Iran at the same time, but that was inconclusive and al Qaeda kept fighting the Russians even after they decided they weren't soviets anymore, but the russians did want to build pipelines in all the areas where al Qaeda was hitting them, like in the Caucasus Isthmus, and that pipeline threatened us because, well, just because, so when Iraq and Iran both said they might ship their oil out over a Russian pipeline / distribution system, which neither al Qaeda nor al Cheney wanted to see happpen, al Qaeda attacked us and we attacked Iraq just to send a warning to Iran not to ship oil with the russians, and we also occupied afghanistan to make sure the Russians didn't come back there, siding with the factions that India had supported, while the other factions ran back to Pakistan. Which is where they are now. Which is why we aren't at war with them any longer.

Got it?

He means it's about the oil.

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