Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy New Year

Cory Doctorow is younger than I am, but just as aware of how dire things are in this world. I am grateful for his optimism.
Crappy economies are often the home of wonderful Bohemias. Two recessions ago, I dropped out of school to become a computer programmer. In the last one, I quit the company I'd co-founded and went to work for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Now that I'm a parent -- and now that I'm a little older -- I feel the risk a lot more keenly than I did then. But I just keep on remembering that we live in the best time in the history of the world to have a worst time: the time when collective action is cheaper and easier than ever, the time when more information and better access to tools, ideas and communities are at our fingertips than they've ever been.

This is an experiment to see if I can actually continue on a separate page with a post, adding things that do not appear on the main page. Shit, guess not. Still, I shall persist. I think it's possible.

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