Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Keynes Stimulus

Keynes was a dissolute bigot who hated Americans. Therefore, we can't actually adopt his economic ideas. Right?

"He also, by the way, didn't like Jews, the French, the working class."
This American Life profiled John Maynard Keynes today, an actively gay member of the Bloomsbury Group, which included the Wolffs and many others who were experimenting with not only new ideas, but new sexual practices. Keynes was "too dirty" for them, according to correpondence among the group.

For some reason, economist Tyler Cowan is a primary source. In my view, this goes to the issue of the false journalistic standard of "balance," offering up counter arguments by people whose credibility is probably highly suspicious but are strictly "furniture" to achieve a false position of objectivity. They also quoted somebody from Cato. They referenced Krugman, but no other "left", pro-Keynesian that I noticed.
The show will be available for free for a week beginning Monday. Judge for yourself.
Cowan, economist (blog Marginal Revolution) says he's rereading Keynes and denies that Keynesianism during WWII got us out of the Depression. In fact, he maintains, the Depression continued throughout the war.

QUOTE O' TEH DAY: "Prescribing Keynesianism to some politicians is like prescribing crack to a coke addict."

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