Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nate Silver Is God

The intrepid progressive poll expert and all-round great pundit offers this today:

1. A good CBO score for the House (public option) bill;
2. Successful intervention on behalf of the public option by Obama;
3. The willingness and/or ability to proceed in a 50-vote environment, a.k.a. reconciliation

...I believe Democrats need at least two of these three things to occur to make the public option a realistic possibility, and perhaps all three to make it a likelihood.

If none or one of these things occur, progressives are probably better off devoting their energies to deciding whether they prefer Wyden-Bennett or some other "outside-the-box" alternative to the sausage that the Finance Committee winds up making.

His entire Health Care post is worth the read if you really want to get it. In the meantime, why isn't Maria Cantwell public about her position on the public option? I'm calling as we speak.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that's a good question about Maria's position. As a matter of fact, the positions of the entire Washington delegation are not real clear either. Except for Jim, of course. As long as the program is Single payer and includes financial consideration for the Rainer Club, he seems to be on board.
