Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tonight's Movie Review: In The Loop

I unexpectedly got real TV back again this week and tonight's choice was between the Las Vegas card-counting caper movie 21, which so far is pretty lame, and a zombie movie I didn't even know Tarantino made and with my man Clooney, but I passed.
Nothing can surpass In The Loop, which I watched earlier tonight and which one Rotten Tomatoes reviewer described aptly:

It's as if Jane Austen and Monty Python collaborated on an episode of The West Wing.
I couldn't find my favorite scene, so here's the official clip from about the only clean scenes in the movie.

UPDATE: I should mention that you will need to listen very carefully to this movie because these people are mostly British, and speak a lot of very funny words very quickly. The language is scandalous. And hilarious.

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