Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So in Wisconsin he gets 58%, in Hawaii 77 % and in Washington...wait for it...wait for it...
50%. That was the primary total, the caucus total was 67%. What does this mean?
Did women vote differently in the primary because they knew it didn't count? Did more independents and Republicans vote in the primary than attended the caucuses? And what about all those people who forgot or declined to pick a party on the primary ballot, which everyone seems to hate because we're in transition and just don't get it now that there's a real primary contest and our state actually mattered and most of us never bothered to caucus before and never really got that primaries have never mattered for Democratic voters anyway?
I don't know, and in the big scheme of things, doubt that it matters a whit except we Washington voters seem to be incredibly confused, or confusing or something.

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