Saturday, April 19, 2008

Besame Mucho

was the most popular song on the day I was born. How do I know? Yep, there's a Web site for it. There's a Web site for everything. Mine is for women of a certain age and a certain attitude who don't have time to waste finding shiny objects out there in the ether.
If I had the patience, I might do some sort of analysis about the frequency of South American influence in American pop culture during the 30s, 40s and 50s. It seems to me I've seen a documentary, maybe about the movies, that mentioned it. Why were Americans in love with South America? Bob and Bing went to Rio, they had Hedy Lamar. Peggy Lee had a hit called Manana. Who was that star who always wore fruit on her head? Oh yeah, Carmen Miranda.
Why weren't we in love with France, for instance? Or Sweden?
I think it played sexy.

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