Monday, April 20, 2009

Women I Love To Hate Dept.

Currently underpopulated. I just don't read Maureen Dowd anymore, Phyllis Schlafly is too old and Monica Goodling and that other DOJ attorney from Minnesota are long gone.
So, Peggy, you're at the top of the list today. If you've never seen Noonan milling about with the other talking heads on Sunday mornings, you may not know that the former Reagan speech writer is considered a moderate. Brian Williams actually said she deserves a Pulitzer. For stuff like this?:
"Some things in life need to be mysterious ... Sometimes you need to just keep walking," - Peggy Noonan on how to respond to incontrovertible evidence that the president of the United States committed war crimes.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes i want to say i hate you and judy because you always beat me. but then i say to myself that i have less words to worry about
