Monday, July 12, 2010

You And The Fed

Krugman keeps using the term liquidity trap to describe our economic situation in which, he argues, federal stimulus spending equal to the last one must be applied because the last one was too small, which he warned about at the time.
But even though I know interest rates (not yours, silly, the ones the banks pay) are near zero, I keep getting hung up when he says liquidity trap.
He doesn't really bother to define it anymore, as in "a liquidity trap is" because all his readers but me and the right-wing nuts responding to imaginary flashing neon signs that say Keynes was wrong, Friedman was right, already know what he means.
So I figured if I look it up and write it down, I will remember.
Oh, and Japan. Also.

From Wikipedia:

The term liquidity trap is used in Keynesian economics to refer to a situation where monetary policy is unable to stimulate an economy, either through lowering interest rates or increasing the money supply.

I thought you lowered interest rates by increasing the money supply, but I think a lot of things. That Jon Hall is the sexiest man on the planet, for instance. (No offense, George, but you're old.)
Anyway, things are gonna get worse and the Dems are a bunch of chicken-hearted fools who are going to lose power anyway, so why not take a stand for what's right and needed? I dunno, maybe Obama's got something up his sleeve. My guess is not, though.


  1. Jesus wept at my imperfect understanding or just the bleakness of it all?
