Friday, February 29, 2008

At Last, I Found Something

Three whole hours on the intertubes this morning and I'm thinkin' "I got nothin,' nothin'!" when lo and behold I try Wonkette. Even though I list Wonkette over there on the right in a prominent position, I stopped reading daily a long time ago (well, okay, for the last month) because it's too funny and inside baseball and Megan Carpentier, the site's former Anonymous Lobbyist, was gone and there were no more women posting on a site once run by a single woman, Ana Marie Cox, who got a better gig at Time's Swampland.
Guess who Wonkette featured? Megan, now at a likely better paying gig at Glamour and, she's still funny.
As in:
Take the political quiz below, and score yourself after the jump. Don't forget to leave your score in the comments.

1. Hillary Clinton is...
A. Proof that you can't wear tapestry blazers with Nehru collars and win an election
B. Yet another woman who will never be President. There are about 152 million of us after all.
C. An insatiably power-hungry spawn of the devil married to the least ethical President in modern history.
D. Some blonde lady on the teevee that looks kind of like my mom but with better make-up.

Just click the link above and take the test, even if you're no longer 12 years old. Support Megan Carpentier.

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