Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Hated the First Gulf War, Too

But my memory's a bit fuzzier than cocktailhag's over at Glenn Greenwald:
I noticed a poster, Jay Gold, rather retardedly criticizing Biden for being wrongly (! )against the first Gulf War. Before this slips down the MCI memory hole, I'd like to point out that the first Gulf War, which was sold with the same kind of deceptions and BS, and for the same reasons (i.e, making a failed, pussy Bush look manly) was one of the main causes of 9/11 and our recent unpleasantness. Those smart enough to oppose that war, which was nothing more than a trade show to vanquish the feared Peace Dividend (covertly) and the Vietnam Syndome (loudly and explicitly) were right. Got it?
Here in Portland, I attended the largest peace rally in the US against that war, and had my lovely hometown labeled "Little Beirut" for it. Senator Mark Hatfield stalled the authorization in the Senate, and the public was deeply, and wisely, ambivalent about it. That war brought forth the Orwellian state we now enjoy, with "embedded" reporters, "support the troops" smackdowns, and all the rigaramarole that is the cause of the US's current impotence and bankruptcy, moral and otherwise.
For Biden to have been against that war may well be the the best argument of all for his intelligence and prescience.
Hatfield, sadly, in his doddering and corrupt old age, tossed aside his lifelong skepticism about militarism, and wrote a bonkers and absurd Op/Ed for the Oregonian, endorsing the Second Iraq War, and promptly fell down a flight of stairs and was never heard from again.
Karma works in strange ways, but I don't think Biden has anything to fear from it.

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