Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Never Mind Ellen and Whatshername

here's the best New California wedding I've seen.
 As of July 27, this happy woman went from my sister-not-exactly-in-law, her status for the past two decades, to my actual legal sister-in-law. And the woman she's hugging became her legal mother-in-law, instead of the unofficial relative who comes to visit for a month every year, whose medical care she frets over, and whose new living arrangements she researched. (Did I mention that Mindy, who has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, is now a stay-at-home mom? How traditional can you get? Steve and I are the radical ones.)

In fact, I think the Legislature should rename the state in recognition of what will someday be New United States.
Oh, wait, how can I monetize that?

The blog owner, Virginia Postrel, is a well-known libertarian (read pro-market economy) which, somehow makes sense in the context of gay marriage and the whole choice thing. But libertarians make me really nervous, almost as much as too much sunshine in the Pacific Northwest. We have had so much rain this month that I am actually happier than I've been in a long time. Oh, said, it could be the Cynbalta, couldn't it?

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