Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The McCain-Palin Base


  1. A fairly terrifying display of bigotry, ignorance and idiocy in fairly equal proportions. What's also worrying is that a mainstream political party is nuturing views and beliefs that here in the Uk would be the province of fringe far-right parties such as the British National Party, and roundly condemned by all the major parties.

  2. It's because of slavery. It continues to be our biggest shame and most divisive dirty secret.

  3. Yes, that's true. That and the legacy of the Confederacy, I suppose. I'd guess a large number of Palinites will also be of "The Sawth Shall Rise Again" school of thinking.

  4. If I could overcome my addiction to the Internet, the first book I would read is Nixonland. It pretty much tracks all this stuff the Republicans are doing back to the original Southern strategy, which LBJ predicted when he signed the Civil Rights Act.
    But disagreements over slavery have split us since before there was a Constitution, and are the origins of the self-satisfied bigotry that is mostly dying off.
    The fact that Obama is likely to win this election is proof of that.

  5. "Confederates in the Attic" by Tony Horowitz is worth reading on this as well.
