Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is It Really Over Next Week?

Reid and Pelosi think so.

Traveling in California to promote his new memoir, Mr. Reid also told an audience in Los Angeles that the nominee would be known by Wednesday. He told others that a sufficient number of superdelegates are prepared to put Senator Barack Obama over the top quickly after Tuesday’s voting is finished. Both Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi have also said they agree that the delegates from Michigan and Florida should get some voice at the convention as well.

Obama said today that it will be.

As for Saturday (okay, you haven't been paying that close attention, but the DNC Credentials and Rules Committee meets to decide the fate of the Michigan and Florida delegates), the compromise being floated today gives each delegate a seat but only half a vote as payback for violating party rules by holding unsanctioned early primaries. Neither Clinton nor Obama benefit enough to win, but if the superdels come through for Obama, it's over. Sort of.

The question is, what will Hillary do? And, of course, will it matter? She can still take it to the convention if she wants. Stay tuned, news at 11. Next Tuesday.

(Oops, sorry, it's the Rules and By-Laws Committee.)

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