Anyway, here's the report from DHinMI at Daily Kos.
Michigan delegation to be seated at half strength, 19 votes for, 8 votes against by the Rules and By-Laws Committee in D.C. today.
Again, 69 pledged delegates to Clinton, 59 pledged delegates to Obama, each delegate gets a half vote.
About two dozen Clinton protesters causing a ruckus, and they're being asked to leave.
Update by georgia10: What this all means:
The resolution increased the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination to 2,118, leaving Obama 66 delegates short but still within striking distance after the three final primaries are held in the next three days.
Obama picked up a total of 32 delegates in Michigan, including superdelegates who have already committed, and 36 in Florida. Clinton picked up 38 in Michigan, including superdelegates, and 56.5 in Florida.
Obama's total increased to 2,052, and Clinton had 1,877.5.