Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Does She Really Want to Be V.P.?

I didn't watch any of the speeches last night. I tried to watch Obama's, but it quit loading early on and I gave up. I tuned in to a little of Hillary, but I really can't stand her voice anymore. It's not sexism, I can't stand Bush's voice either.
I read reviews of McCain's speech. Apparently even FOX News panned it.
Everyone's speculating on why Hillary was so ungracious and what she's holding out for. Does she want to be asked, intending to decline? Does she want to be asked, intending to accept?
What kind of deal is she looking for?
Maureen Dowd posits something I haven't seen elsewhere. There's a rumor that Hillary wants to be a option on the first floor vote at the convention.

She just urged her supporters to keep the dream alive, and talked privately about what she would settle for. She has told some Democrats recently that she wanted Obama to agree to allow a roll call vote, like days of yore, so that the delegates of states she won would cast the first ballot for her at the convention. She said she wanted that for her daughter.

Obama supporters are worried that it’s a trick and she’ll somehow snatch away the nomination.

I say we'll know by the end of the week.

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