Friday, November 7, 2008

TPM Ponders An Unusually United Democratic Future

And its own in the process.
Here's Josh reminding us what we've experienced:
For more than half a century before 1992, the Democratic party was actually two parties, even after the Civil Rights movement cleared the old-style segregationists and neo-dixiecrats from the party -- a national party and a southern one, a fact that created conservative governing majorities on numerous issues. What's more, both Clinton and Carter ran on platforms of bucking their party and its entrenched congressional majorities. For both these reasons and many others, what will begin in January is something this country hasn't really seen since the first half of the 20th century...
...Think of us, in that sense, as an insiders' publication for outsiders, which is how I've always thought of us.
Some of the glories of TPM past include the Social Security privitization fight and the USAGs' firings, which mainstream news people dismissed as irrelevant and which turned out to be one of the most blatant scandals of the administration.
I learned to rely on TPM and still do. If you never look at another political blog, keep TPM as your daily read.

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