Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Business Model, Schmiziness Model

Today is as good as any for a little media bashing.
From today's TPM:
Daphne Merkin took to the Times op-ed page last month to argue Madoff victims are not blameless. But the paper didn't disclose Merkin's brother lost billions of other people's money investing with Madoff -- and an irritated NYT editor says the issue is not "substantive," even though Merkin's brother has now been charged with fraud.

Comment O' Teh Day from Kibo:
A merkin (first use, according to the OED, 1617) is a pubic wig, originally worn by prostitutes after shaving their genitalia to eliminate lice or disguise the marks of syphilis. There are many different ways of wearing a merkin, although most involve placing the merkin on the vulva or the scrotum.

I just loves me some intertubes.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Contrarienne,
    I want to my friend Pam a merkin for her birthday. Where can I find one?
