Monday, April 20, 2009

Little Flap About Israeli Connections

Sometimes the curtain gets blown back a little bit and you get a dim inkling of just how things actually get done. There's a new story about Calif. Rep. Jane Harman's supposed ties to the Israel lobby out in Congressional Quarterly.
(I'm not linking, just sythesizing. If you want the originals, Google is your friend, but I figured it's too trivial in the general scheme of things to bother contrariennes with and, besides, I haven't had my second cuppa yet).
If the term Israel lobby doesn't ring a bell, it basically means AIPAC, the American Israeli blah-blah something, which is purportedly the most powerful lobby in D.C. (Remember Israel gets the largest kick in foreign aid from us, most of it for defense AND AIPAC's job is to keep it coming. You can't get elected in either party without kissing their ass, which Obama and Clinton both did last year.)
Anyway, supposedly Harman was promised some heavy-duty lobbing with Pelosi for her to be made chair of the House Intel or Foreign Relations Committee or something in return for her weighing in with the Department of Justice to try to kill its prosecution of two AIPAC employees for spying. Yes, Israeli agents spying in America. Imagine. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
Well, supposedly a phone conversation about this little deal between Harman and somebody maybe an Israeli agent was wiretapped by NASA — big issue here re: tapping congressional phones — but Gonzo intervened and she wasn't investigated for it, supposedly because the admin. needed her on their side during the DOJ scandal flap, or maybe the torture. Hard to keep it all straight. No, wait, it was over the authorization for widespread wiretapping of American citizens and the cooperation of most of the major carriers. Who said the age of irony is dead?
Are you with me so far? Who makes this stuff up, anyway?
Anyway, in the end Harman didn't get the job. Speculation at the time was that she and Pelosi hate each other. Harman's husband benefits from a lot of govt programs, maybe defense related, I think. Another thing I can't quite remember and am not looking up. This is a blog, not the New York Times. If it were the New York Times, I would be ignoring the story entirely and having chummy lunches in D.C. on AIPAC's dime.
Oh, the point, the point.
If the "Israeli agent" Harman talked to (she's on tape saying "this conversation never happened") is not a U.S. citizen, she's in legal trouble. If he is a citizen, she's not.
That's how it works. Oh, and coincidentally, this three-year-old story is being rehashed just days before the two Israeli agents are due to go to trial, so the reason for sources bringing it up again are a bit suspicious.
The guy most associated as the likely agent is a Hollywood type and big Israel supporter, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Israel who created the Mighty Morphin Rangers. Honest. Tom Clancy, eat your heart out.
Harman didn't get the job, by the way. Sylvester Reyes from N.M. did. He's a bit of an embarrassment, as are many of our elected officials.
Correction: Wiretapped by NSA, the National Security Agency, not NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency. Heh.

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