Friday, May 1, 2009

News O' Teh Week

It was swine flu all the time and while I was impatient with the skeptics and the alarmists at the same time, I was also bored. Tell me something I don't know, I thought.
So this morning "they" did.
Flu may have origins in California, which should make the border police happy. And no matter if it's a relatively mild strain and doesn't mutate in six months into something more virulent, it's still very disruptive (think of all the parents of the kids whose schools are closed but on a larger scale. I mean Mexico is shutting down business, for Gawd's sake.)
Feds reportedly ready to drop case against the AIPAC Two, the civilians who apparently trafficked in U.S. secrets to benefit Israel, because court cases in which no harm can be proven don't fare well. Hum. All that and Jane Harman, too.
Oh, and Souter of all people, is divorcing the Supremes. Souter of all people, not Stevens, not Ginsburg (sp?). Thank you NPR for being journalists. Well, Nina T, anyway.
Comment O' Teh Day: To Boost His Chances of Succeeding Souter, Arlen Specter to Switch Gender
Biden said something the airlines didn't like. Okay, I knew that. For airlines substitute anything. Could be a good drinking game.

For more, drop in on the front page of Talking Points Memo.

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