Saturday, October 24, 2009


Ad infinitum.
Okay, so maybe Andrew Sullivan and I are wrong, the White House really doesn't like the opt-out thingie. There is no Cavalry just coming up over the hill, at least not that Cavalry.

What they want, for reasons totally obscure, is Oympia Snowe no mattter what.
So triggers are on the table in the House. Although maybe not in the Senate.
Anyway, the kind of triggers Clyburn is describing might be a hard pill to swallow for those of us with hope, but we might be able to swallow with plenty of water (e.g. more Medicaid).
What I do know is we have to have a public option. Now.
With a hybrid trigger, you'd have a public option from day one -- the thing that would be triggered would be its reimbursement mechanism.

Just read this and weep.
And it sounds like the triggers Clyburn is talking about might get us there now.
I've read discussion that the public option can't be put in place that fast, which is why the bills all had a 2013 operational date. But then somebody probably got a sneak preview of 2012 and decided we all have to be covered before the earth comes to an end.
Suddenly, they think it can start tomorrow.

Jeez. I can hardly wait for the energy bill.

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