Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different

A long-time Republican Hill staffer gives his take to TPM on what's really going on.
Yes, it is as bad as you fear.
"This isn't an argument about the merits of policy. It is all politics..." Is he right? Probably, partly. Maybe even mostly. If he is, is it too late already?
I'm not sure he really understands why he got elected in 2008. I hear all the rhetoric he's used since the campaign about "changing the culture in Washington" and his references to his own life story as part of the answer to any question, and think he can't possibly believe all that. But he might, as Carter and Clinton both believed their own stories. All three of these guys excelled at the mechanics of campaign politics, but the first two got into a lot of trouble thinking that Americans put them in the White House because of all the wonderful, special qualities they had or represented.

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