Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday Aftermath

Who has super delegate endorsements to roll out this morning? Who do elected Democrats want to run with?, from Josh Marshal at TPM this morning.
As I said before, I loved the '68 convention. Fat men smoking cigars in back rooms. Floor fights. Yea!

Update: 10:01 am
Ed Kilgore over at TPM, a Dem convention veteran, and his commenters are hard at it about what a brokered convention might look like.
"The big topics (explored especially well at have been the battle over the 796 superdelegates, who are not bound by election results, and the possibility of a pre-convention or convention credentials fight over the Michigan and Florida delegations, who currently have no seats (or even hotel rooms) in Denver."
But let's not get too arcane this morning. Just consider this from cowology,
"Neither Hil nor Obama lockup the nomination. Deadlocked 1st vote. Al Gore nominated from the floor. (the crowd goes wild)."

Update II: 10:54 am
CNN delegate count as per a Daily Kos posting. First number is delegates through Super Tuesday, second figure is pledged super delegates (elected officials and state party officials). So, 497 super delegates will likely decide the nominee in August?

Clinton: 632 + 193 = 825
Obama: 626 + 106 = 732
Edwards: 26 + 0 = 26

Update III: 11:19 am

TIME has other numbers, super delegates changing as they line up

Clinton 836 w/o super delegates
Obama 845 "

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