Sunday, April 27, 2008

Somebody's Got To Run Against John McCain

Because the two Democrats are still running against each other, a situation that is likely to last until late June when suddenly all the superdelegates will decide, presumably for Obama, but who knows.
Anyway, the notoriously underfunded Democratic National Committee is now playing it's second ad against McCain. The first focused on his vague notions that somehow all is right with the economy, as he understands it, which he doesn't.
It was pretty good.
This one on Iraq is better. It must be because it's got the Republicans riled up, saying the DNC illegally colluded with the two Democratic campaigns on it. Why they would have to is beyond me, the point of the ad is a no-brainer point of weakness that got tons of media play and a lot of yelling and screaming from the R's.
So, McCain didn't actually say we'd be at war for 100 years, but he did say we'd be there until Americans were no longer being attacked. C'mon, guys, just do the logic.
Anyway, if you want to throw the DNC (headed by Howard Dean) a few bucks for this act of patriotism, go here.
Yeah, I did. I kicked in $25.

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