Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Women's Voices, Women's Vote. NOT!

So, uh, it sounds good, right? A multi-million dollar non-profit devoted to getting single women to register and vote. They're one of the lowest voting groups in the population, probably the lowest voting.
And their board consists of a lot Democratic good guys, a young black law student from Howard University, former Bill Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, now CEO of the Center for American Integrity (Integrity!). Oh, yeah, Maggie Williams, Hillary's newly named campaign manager, also a black woman, is on their leadership council. Some other guy from Talk Left, etc.
But as it turns out, the group is the machine behind what appears to be the current flurry of voter suppressing robo calls happening in North Carolina preceding Tuesday's primary election.
A guy calls a voter, tells him or her a voter registration packet is in the mail, and that it must be signed and returned before they can vote.
Except it's too late for voter registration, and many of those receiving calls are already registered. And a large number of them are...wait for it...wait for it...African American voters.
Needless to say, confused voters are flooding election offices with calls and complaints.
Some can claim this was just an inept, poorly managed but good faith effort based on bad voters lists. But this is the eleventh state where WVWV has pulled similar stunts.
It's being documented here in perhaps the best election related investigative piece I've seen so far this season, and it's a non-profit that's done the legwork, not a major news organization, although I hope they'll hop on this bandwagon.
Do I think this is a pro-Hillary effort? Yes, I do. Will anyone ever be able to prove it? Probably not.
But ever since the choice flyers went out before the New Hampshire primary from Hillary supporters challenging and misrepresenting Obama's record, I've been disgusted with HRC. Many of the female elected officials who signed that flyer later disowned it, saying they had been misled by the campaign.
And you may remember, Obama was favored in the polls to win New Hampshire. Those flyers went out really late, the female turnout and vote for Hillary was huge, and she won.
I've been disgusted before, but I haven't been this angry since New Hampshire.
Women's Voices, Women's Vote indeed.
The HRC campaign is stepping all over my issues to win, and I'm pissed.

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