Friday, May 16, 2008

Drinking Game

From Porchow over at TPM on the story of McCain's past position on talking to Hamas, an apparent contradiction to the now-running "appeasement" narrative:

My friends and I have a drinking game. Whenever we see the headline "McCain Responds to Hypocrisy Accusation" we have to stop whatever we're doing and take a shot of tequila. So far, three of us have ended up in rehab, 2 are in jail and and one is on YouTube dancing in his underwear in a supermarket.

The evidence:

God, I miss Hillary already. There's just no challenge in this general election campaign.

Oh, speaking of Hillary, What Went Wrong is a short, readable piece based on anonymous campaign insiders, in the New Republic.


"There were a number of people who advised the Clinton campaign back in the spring of '07 that this could easily become a longer battle--a war of attrition. She needed to build a broad base of supporters beyond the virtually limitless number of Clinton friends and supporters who they counted on to not only max out, but to use their not inconsiderable Rolodexes to help her. That would have been fine if this thing had ended Super Tuesday. It didn't, and she ran out of money."

But I figure what went wrong is that she lost me. 'Cuz it's all about me, me, me. (snark)

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