Wednesday, December 3, 2008


From Huffpo:
For the rainbow cabinet of the nation's first African American president, Mary Beth Maxwell is the perfect labor secretary you've probably never heard of: a gay woman, community organizer and labor leader with an adopted African American son. And this founding executive director of American Rights at Work is about to get the full-court press.

Maxwell already had the strong backing of former Rep. David Bonior, who despite repeated attempts to get his name removed from consideration continues to be on the short list of potential labor secretaries. Bonior, 63 years old, says it is time for his generation to turn over power to a new generation, and Maxwell, whose labor-backed organization pushes for expanded collective bargaining rights, is his pick.
One comment seems especially appealing:
She's perfect. And it's a good sign if Obama picks her, too. It means he's focused on putting America back to work. Really, all of our domestic agenda is helped by creating jobs. If we nationalized health care, the auto companies could compete. If the auto companies build hybrids, people will invest in green technology. If enough money gets in the hands of the middle class, sales go up, recession is held at bay.

I'm thinking Obama is getting ready to make lemonade with the current financial crisis. And when you think about it, could we have ever gotten any of this done without it? As always, necessity is the mother of invention, and adversity is the friend of progress.


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