Monday, June 29, 2009

Maria Cantwell, Maria Cantwell, Maria Cantwell

Get off the fence, Maria Cantwell.
Your constitutents are fed up with this will-I-or-won't -I support the public option — no triggers, no compromises, no watering down — in health care.
I read this morning an excellent analysis of the monopoly power most insurers have in the health care marketplace in the United States and it's more than just disgusting, it's inexcusable that a progressive senator from a progressive state can't make up her mind.
This monopoly industry is crying about the loss of competition and it's just deja vu all over again. They've got a stranglehold in most of the smaller rural states and they're pouring millions a day into Congressional lobbying to hold their position.
Nowadays folks like their facts straight (you do, don't you?) so I'm not going to bore you with unverifiable details. Don't take my word on anything. How about the AMA for a source, the ones who just had to backtrack on their opposition to the public option as their officers checked to see if they still held their board positions with Blue Cross Blue Shield or whatever.
Free market, my sweet patootie.
Call her, 1-888-648-7328.
Call the White House, too. 1-202-456-1111. You will have to hold.

P.S. You can free FAX and email here.
White House
Reps in other states

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers! Every American deserves/needs affordable health care; you do, don't you? Hard to understand just where your position comes from. Could it be that some of your support comes from insurance providers, hmmmmm?

    Seems to me a complete no-brainer. Vote for this and get on to something else. Just do it.

