Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are They Smart Or Just Lucky?

Health Care, Ch. 4,207
Somebody else — just another blogger, but he's really funny and really good — notices what I did yesterday. That the RNC's announcement that it opposes the co-op idea as a replacement for the public option may have been exactly what the players over at the White House need to bring Baucus, Conrad et al on board in the Senate.
Was this the White House plan all along? To smoke out the Republicans for what they really are, a bunch of asshole's who will never, never support any Democratic proposals no matter what because opposition is all they've got left.
NCSteve doesn't know and neither do I. But I'm glad he confirmed for me that I'm not crazy.
They're scary smart, but smart enought to foresee the Republican response with sufficient certainty to go ahead and provoke yet another liberal snitstorm to do it?  They have better info than we do.  They've got more political skills than any White House team in decades.  But I still don't know.
Now I've read the comment thread on Steve's post, and another possibility comes from Answer Frog:

But the problem remains, and the WH knows it:
How do we get the votes in the the Senate?
We probably only need 50, and for the other 10 to vote for cloture.
I think progressives should focus on this.
Maybe 5 people in the Senate are all that stand between us and passign a good HCR bill.

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