Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bread, Circuses and Birthers, Cont'd

There's this Russian-born raccoon woman, see, and she's a lawyer and a dentist and a Realtor and she's leading the fight to prove that Barack Obama was illegitimately elected because he was actually born in Kenya in 1964 or 1961, I forget which and then she's got all this stuff surrounding her alleged as well as real practices and her lawsuit against Obama has been kicked out of court a couple times and she called the judge a traitor or something...well, you get the idea, the same old wingnut circus stuff.
And now somebody is suing her. Of course he's crazy. They're all crazy.

Orly Taitz, is her name. I forgot to tell you that.

"I think in the new century we will all be insane." Angels In America

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