Thursday, November 12, 2009

Meanwhile, Back In Fuckupistan

Kabuki, I tells ya.
How appropriate the day after Veterans Day that former TPM reporter Spencer Ackerman pulls the curtain back a little so we can see that not only is the Army a mess when it comes to providing actual accurate information, but it's at war with itself.
Relationships that none of us need to know until we notice that someone like Ackerman decides we should.
What I like about this short piece is that it gives us a little of the flavor, while most of the MSM seems intent on writing 30 inches of "empty the notebook" explication that only gets to the meat in the tenth paragraph or, worse, does the same old he said/she said on the size of the troop increase and whether or not  some wingnut thinks Obama is "dithering."
I love the Eikenberry leak no matter who pulled it off. Reports are that SecDef Gates is livid. He even said so at a press conference. Don't know if he can actually fire Eikenberry, though.

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