Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will Abortion Kill Health Reform?

That's the question of the hour at TPM.
I personally don't think so, but then I don't want to think so.
Nelson's already signaled he won't filibuster. Olympia and Joe aren't in it over abortion. If the trigger stays in, we've got Olympia and Joe can go pout in the cloakroom. I love that word, cloakroom. I wish I had a cloak.
So much for the Senate, I think they've got a bill.
Over in the House, if they do the ping-pong thingie, they'll get enough votes to approve the Senate bill and walk away from their own.
I've seen many times that once a bill has momentum, it's very hard to vote against it in the final hour.
Everything I'm reading about the Medicare buy-in makes me happy except for the fact that it'll cost under-65s $650 a month for a few years. I think there's probably a work-around on that, too.
But what do I know? I was an early hopeful for reconciliation and thought Reid's opt-out option was brilliant. I know nothing.

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