Thursday, April 3, 2008

What, Me Worry?

As usual, the ineffable Gail Collins of the New York Times manages to get me to lighten up. Whew, just in time.

The story that McCain said he was prepared to stay in Iraq for 100 years is on one level unfair, although this fall Democrats will be featuring it in commercials about every six seconds.

What he meant was that he’s prepared to keep troops stationed in Iraq for 100 years as long as no one is “injured or harmed or wounded or killed” in the process.

Which is another matter entirely. Estimates on how long McCain is prepared to stay if some injuring or harming or wounding or killing is involved are yet to come.

P.S. John McCain pulls in "hundreds" in Florida today, according to NPR. Whereas Obama pulls in 22,000 in PA. WTF? Why are we debating electability at all? Well, at least I'm not going to do it.

P.S.S. I have promised myself I will never, ever link to Maureen Dowd. If I ever do that, feel free to threaten a boycott.

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