Friday, June 20, 2008

Aw, Jeebus, He Is A Politician

Obama mostly caves on the FISA bill, although he says he'll work in the Senate to remove telecom immunity.
I'm not even going to look at Greenwald today. Going to the garden to eat worms.
Tune in next week.

UPDATE: Harry Reid says he's going to try to separate out the immunity portion of the bill so those opposed to it can express their opinion in a vote. But he doesn't know if that will work, either. That gives Obama cover.
What do I think. There are two theories about this. Pelosi and Reid were among the "gang of 8" the congressional leaders who the White House can claim were fully briefed about the surveillance when it was illegal.
Hoyer was, too, I suppose.
Plus the Dems believe they're vulnerable at election time on the national security issue if they continue to oppose the bill and it would be bad for their presidential aspirations as well as ability to take bigger majorities in Congress.
You can't make change if you don't get elected.
Is it better to fight like hell and lose? Or do they overestimate the effectiveness of such an argument?
I don't want to lose. I also don't want to give the telecoms immunity, but that's probably going to happen, the Senate signed off on it before. Feh (spits)!

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