Friday, June 20, 2008

Fast Eddie Obama

I think David Brooks is a no-nothing schmuck and Republican mouthpiece who gets paid to mislead and lie.
He's decided that Obama is a politician after all and that people like me didn't know that.
But it's an entertaining column.
On the one hand, Obama did sell out the primary cause of his professional life, all for a tiny political advantage. If he’ll sell that out, what won’t he sell out? On the other hand, global affairs ain’t beanbag. If we’re going to have a president who is going to go toe to toe with the likes of Vladimir Putin, maybe it is better that he should have a ruthlessly opportunist Fast Eddie Obama lurking inside.

All I know for sure is that this guy is no liberal goo-goo. Republicans keep calling him naïve. But naïve is the last word I’d use to describe Barack Obama. He’s the most effectively political creature we’ve seen in decades. Even Bill Clinton wasn’t smart enough to succeed in politics by pretending to renounce politics.

UPDATE: Brooks' column basically blasts Obama for flip-flopping on campaign finance and previous perceived reversals (Rev. Wright) while at the same time seeming to appreciate his advanced political skills.

Wonder what he thinks of today's news that MoveOn will not activate its 527 out of respect for Obama's wishes that no independent groups raise and spend big money in support of him.

If you don't remember what a 527 is, think Swiftboating. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth was the group that slimed Kerry in 04, but as it turns out, MoveOn was one of the top 527s that cycle.

There is no limit to the money they can raise, the amount donors can give and it's a big hole in campaign finance reform. The fact that he's actively discouraging them says a lot about his seriousness. Or, it could be a matter of message control, since campaigns are not allowed to coordinate with 527s.

Anyway, for what it's worth, seems like a good move and shows his confidence in ability to raise money.

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