Wednesday, October 22, 2008

13 Days

As the election draws nearer — well, okay, the election always draws nearer but what I mean is as we tumble toward the end of this brutal process, events of note multiply and I can barely keep up, much rather get it all filtered well enough to make a personal judgment about what Contrariennes might like to hear about.
  • For instance, in addition to the AP poll cited below, there are more than a half dozen new ones out there with all sorts of quirky results. Bottom line (I contend that phrase should be illegal, along with "awesome"):  things are looking better for Obama every day and McCain is looking more desperate every day.
  • The R's just decided to pull all TV advertising for loony Michele Bachman in Minnesota either because she made such a fool of herself in calling for an investigation of all congress members to learn who is pro and who is anti-American, or because they're convinced she'll still win the right leaning Congressional district
  • There is evidence that:

    The Real Subprime Crisis Culprit: Cows 

    • Pulling a Bullworth. Good God, I haven't heard that term and had entirely forgotten what was an incredible Warren Beatty vehicle. (Where is Warren? He's rich enough to make his own movies. Maybe he's just tired. But his sister, Shirley McLaine, just keeps going like that Energizer bunny.)

    • This has been an attempt at a comprehensive summary of the day. But I just can't do anymore. I'm exhausted.

    Love, julimac 

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