Monday, February 9, 2009

The Empty Shirtsleeves of the Talking Heads

One of TPM's commentors is furious with the superficial treatment by the broadcast media of the financial crisis and Josh agrees.
Look, folks, it's already bad and it's gonna get worse.
They want to give their viewers something to hope about. Attribute that behavior to whatever you want, they're liars.
Money (pun? I made a pun?) quote:
"We'll eventually go to nationalization." Roubini in last two seconds of a 10-minute interview.


  1. Is this the same news program that interviewed Paul Krugman that you mentioned on Feb 6th? Do they get paid a lot of money to talk over each other like this? And why would anyone agree to appear on their program to be treated like this? There is more solid information in a Budweiser ad than this farce.

  2. This one was CBS cable, I think. The other one was MSNBC, I think. I don't have cable and don't have these, I just like Contrariennes to know what a bad job they do and not pay attention and falsely believe they are being informed.
    The guests know there's an audience out there and presumably hopes to get some useful info out to them. Also, of course, they have books to sell.
