Monday, February 2, 2009

Personal Note

Jim Whittaker, the first American to reach the summit of Mt. Everest (in 1963), has lived down the road from me for decades. But I'd never actually seen him in person until this morning.
As I was driving back from my exercise for health class, a continuation of the pulmonary rehab I"ve been doing since early November, he was getting mail out of his box just paces away from my box. Then he turned and walked back toward the side road where he lives.
He didn't look 80, which Wiki tells me he will be in a week. And, unlike me, he probably walks quite comfortably all the way down the road.
For some reason, it was exilerating to see him, maybe because I have been breathing so well lately and that in itself is exilerating.

1 comment:

  1. your breathing was so much better than in nov. i was super glad to hear this and your voice. p.slither
