Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama May Write His Own Health Care Bill

The White House denied it last week, and the AP considered it so unimportant that it's the second to last sentence in this story.
But I'm inclined to believe that the President's own bill might hold more sway over recalcitrant Dems than anything Congress has come up with so far. For some, they just might decide they'd rather have the product of their own give-and-take out there to run on next year than something they had no part in to try and defend.
Also, I'm beginning to hope that Obama's non-position on the public option is a stance being held as long as possible to win some more concessions from the insurance industry. Maybe, for instance, they'd agree to an early trigger and promise, so help me God, they will bring costs down before then or face costly consequences.
I've seen no speculation along these lines, maybe because everyone is so focussed on what's going on publicly. But you know there's all kinds of kabuki here.
Obama can say, look, I'll put the prestige of my office behind this thing that you should be able to live with even though it's painful, or you face public option through reconciliation.
No one knows publicly at least how between 12 and 15 senators would vote to get it to 50, but they know there are 45 now. Arms can be twisted. Some of those 12 to 15 may be holding out at the President's request, but privately telling the insurers what's going to happen if they don't bend.
Oh, well, might make a good novel if the good guys win in the end.

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