Friday, March 19, 2010

The Book List

Facebook had some fun with various lists a while back, but they were all fiction. Wonder why? Well, because non-fiction is for people who have a lot of time on their hands or are in school or are really, really — really —  smart.
I happen to have a lot of time on my hands, at least I will when I stop sleeping so much, so I'm bookmarking these lists to dip into later. Well, I'm not bookmarking Tyler Cowan because I hate him for a very good reason I can't remember, but Ezra Klein has a link.
Oh, read the comments, too, if you're really interested. But you don't have to make a list and start reading, just knowing what people are thinking about and why is kind of satisfying in and of itself.
Oh, okay, I'm linking to Cowan because of the commenter alone, but his commenters are all enlightening and very different from Yglesias'.
My 9th grade literature textbook, which introduced me to Borges, Ionesco, Beckett, Ibsen.

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