Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sex, Lies and Damned Lies

Obama's a closet Muslim. Hillary's a lesbian. McCain's a cheater.
What's true, what's not?
Now that the campaign season is about to reach a feverish level as the race narrows to two candidates, there will be all sorts of accusations out there. Some are generated by sloppy, lazy or deliberately misleading information put out by the candidates themselves.
Some will come from the dreaded 527s, the outside political groups organized to promote a candidate or attack the opponent without being directly controlled by his or her campaign. The infamous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that went after John Kerry in 2004 were such a success that they became a new word.
Without further ado, below are the places you should go for credible, non-partisan fact checking, and there's a story about them here.


The Fact Checker

For general urban legend — albino alligators in NYC sewers, microwaved poodles — and political factchecking, also see

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