Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meanwhile, Back In Alaska

Yer not gonna believe this. Okay, you will. Even before I tell you.

Sarah Palin never got that "bridge to nowhere" that she was for before she was against it, but she did get a road to nowhere that cost us $25 million. Now you may be asking yourself, if the bridge wasn't built, isn't the road useless? Fear not:
Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein said the 3.2-mile road will be useful for road races, hunters and possibly future development. But with no bridge to serve it, that's probably about it. "I think it will be good for recreational things like a 5K and a 10K," Weinstein said. "And instead of people walking through brush, it may be used for hunting in the area."

Okay, I've been drinking and thinking.
Instead of paying people not to fight us, why don't we offer every American working person a bonus to do with as s/he wishes.
It's a one-time-only payment somewhat less than $1 million, but somewhat more than $100,000.
(totally arbitrary)
I'd do the math on this but that means I'd have to look up the number of employed persons and multiply it by some numbers. It's Sunday, I'm not going to do that.
So lets posit that for the sake of argument, we could do it.
I just think it's a grand experiment that might surprise us.
Okay, back to the gin.
(Yeah, I know that was the stimulus package, but what the hell goood did that do? Good money after bad, you say. Yeah, well, what's Paulson's plan?)

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