Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's All About Messaging

Bob Somerby over at The Daily Howler spends his days ranting about Republican idiots and the Democrats who enable them (along with the media that passes it all along without a thought).
He seems to think that if only Americans were better informed, they would get it. And it's the Democrats' fault.
He's a tough read and I don't often go there anymore, but he's usually got good points because he's, erm, obsessive. And accurate.
Here's a summary:
But do voters know how much extra money we spend for health care, as compared to other developed nations? Do they know that those other nations get health results that are much like ours?
We’d be amazed if voters knew such things. In large part, this is due to the way two tribal groups have behaved in the past forty years.
One tribe has spread disinformation around, through familiar sound-bites. Voters have heard these bites again and again. After that, they’ve heard them some more:
  • We have the best health career in the world!
  • Socialized/national/European health care has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried!
  • Big government never did anything right!
  • Good God! Those waiting lines in Canada!
In response, our tribe has tended to say the following—and has tended to say little more:
  • 47 million remain uninsured!

UPDATE: Somerby likes the OECD data, but I can't download their Excel file. Probably because I don't have Excel, huh?
Anyhoo, here's the UN's numbers. Apparently, we're a lot like Luxumberg, only 20 percent higher. Two to three times higher than any country you ever heard of. Yes, France!
So go for it. Amaze your friends, impress your enemies. Or stun them into silence. Wishful thinking, I know.

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